
Free Flatmate Agreement Template Uk

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Finding the right flatmate can be a daunting task. You may spend days or even weeks searching for someone who shares your values, lifestyle, and financial situation. When you finally find the ideal flatmate, it`s important to establish clear expectations and guidelines to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts. This is where a flatmate agreement comes in handy. In this article, we`ll provide you with a free flatmate agreement template for the UK.

What is a flatmate agreement?

A flatmate agreement is a legal document that outlines the responsibilities and expectations of all parties involved in sharing a living space. It`s a way to prevent conflicts and misunderstandings by establishing clear guidelines for everything from rent payments to the division of household chores. The agreement can be customized to fit the specific needs and preferences of all flatmates.

Why do you need a flatmate agreement?

Sharing a living space can be challenging, especially if you`re living with someone you barely know. A flatmate agreement can help you avoid conflicts and misunderstandings by establishing clear expectations and guidelines. The agreement will also provide you with legal protection in case of disputes or breaches of the agreement.

What should be included in a flatmate agreement?

A flatmate agreement can include any terms agreed upon by the flatmates. However, there are some standard clauses that should be included in every agreement. These include:

1. Rent and bill payments: This should include details of how the rent will be paid and how bills, such as utilities, will be divided.

2. Security deposit: This should detail the amount of the security deposit, how it will be held, and the conditions under which it will be refunded.

3. Cleaning: This should outline the responsibilities of each person when it comes to cleaning communal areas.

4. Guests: This should include rules around guests staying over, including how long they can stay and whether they need to contribute to rent and bills.

5. Noise and disturbance: This should include rules relating to noise levels and the hours during which noise should be kept to a minimum.

Free flatmate agreement template for the UK

Here`s a free flatmate agreement template for the UK that you can customize to fit your needs:

Flatmate Agreement

This agreement is made on [insert date] between [insert names of all flatmates].

1. Rent and bill payments

The rent for the property located at [insert address] is £[insert amount] per month. The rent will be divided equally among all flatmates.

Utilities, such as water, gas, electricity, and internet, will be divided equally among all flatmates.

2. Security deposit

A security deposit of £[insert amount] is required. It will be held for the duration of the tenancy and refunded at the end of the tenancy, provided there is no damage to the property.

3. Cleaning

All flatmates are responsible for keeping the communal areas clean and tidy. A cleaning schedule will be created and maintained by all flatmates.

4. Guests

Guests are welcome but should not disturb other flatmates. Guests can stay for a maximum of [insert number] nights. Longer stays must be agreed upon by all flatmates, and the guest must contribute to rent and bills.

5. Noise and disturbance

Noise levels should be kept to a minimum between [insert hours]. Loud music and parties are not allowed.

6. Termination of tenancy

If a flatmate wishes to terminate the tenancy, they must provide [insert number] days` notice. The remaining flatmates have the option of finding a replacement or terminating the tenancy.

7. Signature

We, the undersigned, agree to the terms and conditions of this flatmate agreement.

[insert names and signatures of all flatmates]


A flatmate agreement is a crucial document that can help prevent conflicts and misunderstandings when sharing a living space. Our free flatmate agreement template for the UK provides you with a general framework that you can customize to fit your specific needs. Remember to review and update your agreement regularly to ensure that it remains relevant and effective.

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